Monday, February 25, 2002

Anyone who knows me knows that Denzel and I have a special bond. Most people can pick a time and date they want to see a movie, show up and view it. I want to be there before the lights dim. I want to be able to choose any seat I want. I want my popcorn and drink, there when the credits start rolling. I want absolutely no interruptions for the next 2 hrs. Not Shawn. I just cannot understand what it is about arriving at a movie 10 minutes into it that excites him. Wandering around in the dark, asking people to move is fun... This is not some no-name newcomer trying to win the hearts and minds of the viewing public. This is Denzel Washington. You don't just show up for prepare. Needless to say. I would not compromise. Was I being bitchy? Maybe, but I know D appreciates it.

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