Tuesday, February 26, 2002

I kept my niece today for four hours. Four very long hours. I can't remember the last time I sang more nursery rhymes or played more games. Thank God for cable...she loves videos. That gave me a little time to re-group. She is phenomenal.She has her own little special language. Half the time I sat there looking like a fool, because I couldn't understand what the hell she was saying. However, the old stand by worked. " Show me baby. Show Aunt Wendy, what your talking about.". Worked like a charm, but I could have sworn she had the what's wrong with this one? face, as she showed me. She has so much energy. I, on the hand, do not. I have come to the realization that my time has passed for babies, toddlers or any little person. Although I enjoyed the time we had together, I am wasted. I could have kissed her mother's feet when she came to pick her up. Not her. As a matter of fact she took the hype-o-meter up a few notches when her mother came. I have to give it up for the REAL mothers again. You are truly special people.

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