Sunday, December 29, 2002

Women... At another WTE session I was told that I was shallow.{ lacking in depth of knowledge, thought or feeling} . Me.. Just because I said I wouldn't date a man who wasn't tall, educated, black, had all his teeth and spoke English. Moi? I was offended. Yes, I have more on the list but it's called a preference. Does that mean if the man doesn't fit what I perceive as an ideal mate I won't date him ? Well...yes. What is the point? But ,that does not make me shallow. Why should I settle for someone that I am not attracted to? Forget what you heard..looks do matter, I'm not talking about cute or ugly because everyones perception is different .I'm just talking about the the physical. Whether it's the eyes or ass something physical attracts you. I cannot tell what type of beautiful mind, personality,etc. you have from a distance. No one can. I'm attracted to tall men. So I don't date short men. That is my choice. That does not mean that I become violently ill or obnoxious when a short man approaches me.Not at all. There are millions of people who would not date me, for whatever reason. I don't think that makes them shallow. Crazy and confused..yes.. My point is people settle too much nowadays. I won't. I like what I like...
I'm also finding that I am one of few who believe that a man who is involved ( married or otherwise is off limits). How sad is this?????Listen girlfriends...I don't know what's going on with your esteem; head or whatever that makes you choose to play second fiddle. But turns go around and around.

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