Thursday, February 06, 2003

It's amazing what hunger will do. Dressed in my mouse wear ( hat , long sleeve shirt and jacket, boots and jeans) I grabbed my mighty broom and headed into the kitchen. If I saw anything move the plan would be to swat it with the broom and run like hell ( after a few screams I'm sure) .Everyone I told said if he hears you he won't come out. So there i was banging pots and making so much noise; my neighbors must have thought I'd lost my mind. I'm singing and stomping , steady cooking though...then I heard something. As if he was saying " Yeah I hear you. Now hear this!" I still have not seen any critters and neither did the exterminator. No evidence yet and I'm starting to think that T was playing a very cruel joke. Now my mind has gone overboard. I haven't been hungry though.

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