Saturday, April 28, 2007

We Are Family

Today my parents are coming for lunch. I asked them over for dinner. But my father feels if he is out after 6p.m. he will have to shoot someone. My father is the original Angry man, He has mellowed over the years but even at 69 he will still kick ass and take names. We've had our difficulities, but I've come to realize that it's just because we are so much alike. Today he will talk about things I already know ( because he has told me) about my home and safety. He will remind me I should lose weight and that I should really make an earnest effort to quit smoking altogether and stop bullshitting with my life. <- his words. I will say that I know, agree with him and hopefully he will let it rest.

My mother will try to redecorate my home. Telling me how whatever would look so much better over here or there. I will of course disagree. She will also talk about her head so bad that I will be hoodwinked into doing it for her. I really don't mind. I love her to death and have spoiled her rotten. I guess turns go round. She will mention my weight too. But not as bluntly as my father. She will joke about it.

My brother will join in. I have to say in this family you need a thick skin because we are not tongue biters. My brother will bring his daughter and I will try to make some sense of what she is saying. I thought that speed french she spoke was cute at 3 and 4 but now, at almost 9 that shit is bordering on the special.
I miss my sis the most, she is the most wonderful, selfless, artistic, beautiful person I know. And I'm not saying this because she has patterned herself after me. I say it because it's the truth and I miss her laughter when my family is all together.

I am blessed to have them all in my life. Even when they work the one nerve I have left. I know it's all love.


Believer said...

Hope you had fun with your family no matter how honest they are. We can pick our friends, but not our family. Thanks for making me laugh this morning!

This will certainly be a featured post on my side bar.

Blu Jewel said...

i know the trappings of families can work the nerve, but you have to find the positive in the negative and simply be happy knowing you have a family to share times with. there are many who long for a small fraction of one.

stay up!

Wendy said...

Thanks Rosemarie.

Blu, make no mistake I LOVE my people and wouldn't trade them for anything in the world! I know how blessed I am. Even when they get on my nerves!!