Thursday, April 03, 2008

You Know and I Know

My post recently haven't been the most uplifting post. I know. Thank you for still coming while I went through my little funk. .... So ,I have been trying to put a spin on the energy. Looking at the bright side, knowing that my circumstances could be so much worst.So this post is about praise and song and letting God do his thing, that he has already planned.

As long as I can remember music has been the vessel that I chose to soothe my spirit. This post is titled after BeBe&Cece Winans track from their Different Lifestyles album, The words hit home for me and helped me to remember that no matter what my God has my back.

I found these gems today on You tube. The first one I was really happy to see again It's a clip from a show that aired in the 80's Called Sisters in the Name of Love. My original tape of this show was mistakenly erased.

And this is just because it's Ms. Holiday and her voice.( This is not And I am Telling You)

How can you not feel good after listening to these?


YouToldHarpoTaBeatMe said...

I remember that Sisters special. Somewhere was my favorite part, along with them clowning around with different oldies.

Believer said...

Amen! Everything He touches is a song. I pray Wendy that you remain encouraged that God has given you gifts to glorify Him in your unique way. Go girl and give Him the praise! For you shall experience the blessings. Glory! Let Him embrace your thoughts and know that He has your back. The best is yet to be!