Thursday, July 19, 2007

It's my house

Lawd , am I destined to be single forever?! My co-worker said that there were certain things his wife wasn't allowed to do. He had the craziest list ever. Okay, I know that a wife should submit to her husband. And the husband should be the head of the household, but some take it too far. They forget the part about honoring their wives.So what happens when your husband is a control freak? What happens when his elevator stops going to the top floor? Of course you love him and you know you should get help for him right? i mean how long do you put up with his crazy rules? Until you feel just as much a child as one of your children.

Now when you meet me and you let me know that you are cuckoo for cocoa puffs from day one; I have no one to blame but myself. So as the years progress and your ass gets crazier and crazier I did have some prior knowledge that it was bound to happen. But if you flip...Well....

She cannot hang out past 10 but, he can. She can't wear a wig, braids or a weave. Two she cannot wear make-up. She can't handle the money. Even her money.Not because she is careless or unable to handle finances. But because he is the MAN of the house ( this would mean skid marks for sure for me) Back to the hair, what if I get a new cut and decide its not as cute as my beautician led me to believe? What if my hair falls out?Do I have to sport a baldie? What if I break out in some crazy rash and need a little MAC to make it through the day? I mean I'm not a make-up person, but if I get a crazy looking blemish on my face you better believe it's a CoverGirl day!

Just so I understand, are you giving me an allowance from the money I worked all week to make? You must be out of your mind.

He has a damn cell phone and she doesn't have the number to it. WTF? So I'm just wondering why my husband would need a phone and I didn't have the number? So I asked. This dude had the nerve to tell me. His wife allows him to be a man, his exact words were. " She knows her role and I know mine, she allows me to be the man I am." Of course, I don't know what the heck I was thinking. That's exactly why I need to keep my mind out of the gutter.

Now ,if you can accept this and it's working for you. God bless you. All I am saying is I see problems for me.


YouToldHarpoTaBeatMe said...

Not only is he a control freak, but he has insecurity issues. That's a man literally picking apart one lonely chapter in the Bible.

However, if that's what SHE wants, that's what she gets. There's no way in hell I'm gonna walk around looking like a nappy headed bare faced troll, get an allowance from my own check (unless I'M budgeting myself), and can't have my husband's cell. I don't like going anywhere alone after dark as it is, but to TELL me when I gotta be back? Shoooot! I wish a nugga WOULD! That's a lie from the pits of hell right there.

She allows him to be a MAN? No, that's a fool who'd be twice a zero if she were to roll out.

lyre said...

My Ex, I say again, MY EX-husband, tried to quote Ephesians 5 to me. I was told that I could not "submit." I declare to the world right now, that I can submit, but only to the man who can love me like Jesus loves. I havent met that man yet.
I can't submit to a man who makes me miserable because Jesus doesn't make me miserable.
I refuse to accept less. But if he makes her happy then I say, you go girl.

YouToldHarpoTaBeatMe said...

Oh and another thing.....

you've been TAGGED!


Blu Jewel said...


dude has some serious issues with control, insecurity, and it sounds like infidelity too. i can't call it for his wife, but he wouldn't even have made boyfriend status with that kind of attitude.

he sounds like a true Neanderthal and needs his medicinal does adjusted.

i would have no problem submitting to my husband if he too were living in accordance to the Word the RIGHT way. sounds like this dude is using it for HIS convenience.

wifey needs to read up on her scriptures for real.

Believer said...

I agree with those who commented before me.

If a husband tries to get all scriptural on a wife without checkin' himself. PLEASE!

She is so blinded and thinks is how it should be. WRONG! This is not a marriage, but an arrangement whereby she answers yes to everything he says.

I pray that someone of maturity counsels her and gives her the 411 and what a godly marriage is.

Furthermore, there are husbands who do not follow scripture and have more respect for their wives than this husband has obviously learned from being at the feet of Jesus.

Praying that their veils are removed!