Wednesday, June 14, 2006


I noticed while looking for a Christmas card last year that there were not many that said " For My Parents". There were many to Mom/Dad/ from daughter/son etc. But not many for parents. I said to the woman who was standing next to me. " They don't make cards for parents anymore?" She looked at me kind of funny. I guess because of the abundance of cards that were before us to Mother or Father.So I explained that was looking for a card to give to them together. She said, " Oh, that's old School." I thought to myself God please bring back old school!

My mother met my father when she was 12 years old. My father was 14. On June 14, 1958 they were married. Yes, you can do the math. 48 years. My parents, took an oath before God to love and respect each other until death do them part. I'm sure there were times when they each wanted to walk away. I'm sure they both met, worked with and were hit on by other people that they were attracted too. But, their vows meant more to them than any of the foolishness in the street. The family bond that they made together took precedence over any and all. I know there were some very hard times, but for most of my life,our home was filled with love, respect and happiness. ( Except during my teenage years, when I thought they were put on earth for the sole purpose of making my life miserable) I know that I was/am blessed. When I'm so sick of the 'game' that I seriously consider getting a few cats and calling it a day;I think of them and I know real, true, unconditional love exist. Solid as rock. I'm hopeful again...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY MOM AND DAD!!!... I'm so proud to call you my PARENTS.


NegroPino™ said...

Happy ANniversary...GIve it up for BLACK LOVE>........sometimes I wanna quit the "game" too but I know there is somebody out there for everybody...too bad its not like it was back its "dont put all your eggs in one basket" "spread your royal oats' and "you too young, live your life"........

The Sarccastik Variable Why said...

don't u love BLACK's like no other...that's what i want to establish in my family it'll be 4yrs for the sarccastik family in october....HAPPY ANNIVERSARY

chele said...

That's great. My parents have been married 39 years. My sister will celebrate her 17th anniversary this weekend.

Let's not talk about me. I think "it" is out there if you believe it is...I don't believe it is out there for me.

I envy that kind of commitment.