Thursday, December 14, 2006

Something Just Ain't Right

After reading God Don't Like Ugly, I quickly jump on the Mary Monroe bandwagon. I love the way she tells her story. You can relate to her characters, if you do not see yourself in them, then you know someone like them. I have purchased every one of her books except this one. Why? Because I used to buy all my books from MediaPlay, I even joined their Rewards program which gave you money back after you purchased so many items. Good deal right? I mean I was buying the books anyway so why not earn point towards my next purchase. Well MediaPlay went out business here. Taking my reward points with them. I was pissed! Some time after they went out of business I get an invite from F.Y.E( For Your Entertainment), saying they will honor MediaPlay rewards customers. Great! Mind you the only F.Y.E I know is through the woods and around the mulberry bush in West Hell. But I NEED to read, and I don't like going to the library, because I collect novels of my favorite authors and I get to redeem my points! So, I make the journey to F.Y. E. where I do not find my book in the AFRICAN AMERICAN AUTHOR section so I ask a clerk if I can order it. She says yes and I do.Today I make the journey again and my book is still not there. Although, I have a notice that says it has come in. The manager tells me that due to inclement weather their shipment didn't come and apologizes. That's understandable, but shouldn't you send the notices out after your shipments arrive? So I travel the 45 minutes ( on a good day) back home without my book. After wasting all my gas to get the stupid reward points , that I still didn't get. It's just not worth it. F.Y.E. means something totally different to me now. I'm going to Amazon...


Anonymous said...

I'm a Mary Monroe fan as well. I have three of her novels. I need to get this one but I have two other novels that I need to finish before I can buy anymore books.


The Sarccastik Variable Why said...

okay now that's scandalous...i would've been made to...why in the world didn't they inform you before you drove out there......wassup with media play closing...we had some close too by us....INTERESTING!!!